DataONE Architecture ==================== The Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE_) implements and deploys core services and infrastructure to support long term access and re-use of data collected through NSF funded and other research projects. These documents describe the architecture and APIs for deployed DataONE cyberinfrastructure. API Reference ------------- Components of the DataONE infrastructure interact through the DataONE APIs. Participating data repositories expose the :doc:`apis/MN_APIs` and Coordinating Nodes expose the :doc:`apis/CN_APIs`. API service endpoints use a restful pattern. All API interactions occur over HTTPS with XML encoded messages. The XML messages are defined by the :doc:`DataONE Types XML Schema`. :doc:`apis/Exceptions` are cast to applicable HTTP error codes, with the response body containing an XML representation of the error. The RESTful implementation is more fully described in the :doc:`apis/rest_comms`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 apis/MN_APIs apis/CN_APIs apis/Exceptions apis/Types apis/rest_comms Design Documents ---------------- The design documents describe the intended functionality of the DataONE infrastructure. :doc:`design/userscenarios` provide a functional overview from a user perspective. :doc:`design/usecases` provides a more detailed view of how the APIs are used to support specific component interactions. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 overview design/userscenarios design/usecases .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 design/NodeIdentity design/WhatIsData design/DataPackage design/PreservationStrategy design/ReplicationOverview design/ContentMutability design/PIDs design/SearchMetadata design/querying_content design/CitationManagerSupport design/security-plan design/Authentication design/Authorization design/search_auth design/SystemMetadata design/SystemMetadataAnalysis design/SysmetaLifecycle design/Serialization design/NodeList design/CoordinatingNodeInternals design/logging design/LogAggregator design/UsageStatistics design/itk-analysis design/itk-overview design/what_is_it Notes and Miscellanea --------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 notes/index license_and_copyright_policy acknowledgements about glossary changelog Implementation Notes -------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 implementation/index todo Indices, Tables, and Change Log ------------------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _NSF funded project: .. _subversion repository: .. _subscribing: .. _DataONE: